Career and Transfer Services
Red Lake Nation College offers a variety of career and transfer services, both on campus and online. Watch this page for new and upcoming events.
As a career counselor, my goal is to help students explore their interests, skills, and goals to find a fulfilling career path. Together we can identify your strengths and values to guide your decision-making process. I’ll provide students with the resources and support to help them navigate the transfer process to obtain their 4-year degree. We take routine trips to other colleges and universities to meet with staff, faculty, and students and take campus tours to help make the transition as seamless as possible. We also host an annual spring semester Career and Transfer Fair to provide students with many opportunities to find their path.
Career and Transfer Services
● Graduation prep
● E-portfolio prep
● Resume’ & cover letter building
● Transfer information
and application assistance
● Annual Spring Career
and Transfer Fair
● Campus tours of area colleges
● Interview prep
● Employment opportunities
● Job search resources
Useful Links

Red Lake Nation College Career Fair, Spring 2023

Red Lake Nation College visit to UMN - Morris